Network Monitor Gadget Windows 7
Fixed a bug that prevented access to gadgets by touch. Due to high demand, it is now possible to install 8GadgetPack on Windows 7. Improved startup reliability. Improved multi-monitor support in 7 Sidebar. Updated outdated gadgets and added a new gadget (that I made myself): Glassy Network Monitor. 2014-03-26: Version 11.0 released. A small Windows 10 Sidebar gadget called Network Monitor II can save your time and make things easier if you want to see the current real-time network status. Network Monitor II is free indicator of the Internet connection for monitoring the status and activity of your connection, namely accounting for outgoing and incoming speed, upload. Use all possibilities of internet agents with maximum effect and minimum effort. With this Windows 10 internet gadgets you can check your network in a minute. You can monitor your connection and/or NIC status, external IPv4/IPv6 address, DNS, MAC address and much more.
- Network Monitoring Tools Gadget For Windows 7
- Network Monitor Ii Gadget
- Network Meter Gadget Windows 7
- Network Monitor Gadget Windows 7 Calendrier
- Network Monitor Gadget Windows 7
Jun 24, 2016 Windows 7 comes with a bunch of quality gadgets and supports installing third-party gadgets from the web. Desktop gadget feature, one of the most used features of Windows 7, is not available in Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and the latest Windows 10. The feature was discontinued citing security reasons. Network Meter is an advanced network desktop gadget for Windows. It shows your SSID (Service Set Identifier), signal strength, internal and external IP addresses, blacklisted IP ratio, IP lookup with Google Maps, Internet speed (upload and download), firewall check, remaining data (quota, usage, and day), total data usage, and whether your connection is secure. Network Monitor II 20.0. Description: This provides the important information regarding your current network connection and is now available in Windows 7.Viewing network traffic and information pertaining your IP address can now be accessed without installing any monitoring tools. Jun 24, 2010 Network Monitor 3.4 is the archive versioned tool for network traffic capture and protocol analysis. Download Microsoft Message Analyzer for updated parser support.
Version 27.4 released at 08/25/2019
When you using your PC you may encounter the fact that the Internet suddenly stops working. For check what's happenedyou have to open a number of command line windows, check Windows settings and open browser windows to see what is working and what is not.Does not sound very attractive, does it? Solution is simple. A small Windows 10 Sidebar gadget called Network Monitor II can save yourtime and make things easier if you want to see the currentreal-time network status.
Network Monitor II is free indicator of the Internet connection for monitoring the status and activity of yourconnection, namely accounting for outgoing and incoming speed, upload and download traffic, information about the level and sourceof the Wi-Fi connection, internal and external IP (with country flag), GateWay, DNS directly on your desktop. For security reason allservers for determining country flag are use SSL protocol. With Network Monitor II information can be accessed without installing anymonitoring tools. Also gadget are included details about bandwidth usage with graphs. If you wish the traffic counter lets youautomatically save data when the gadget is shut down. Network Monitor II provides you with detailed information about the provider of thecurrent external IP address when you put the mouse cursor over the flag displayed on the right side. The gadget must be in focus before youdo it.
Network Monitor II is an indispensable gadget for users who need to find out their current IP address. Since itdisplays both the external and internal IP address for your PC, you can use it to know how to access your router’s web interface or toconfigure some server running from your PC. It is worth adding that the program automatically update IP addresses when you restart theserver or connect to the Internet. In addition, the application can record all the changed IPs to a log file.
An interesting feature of the gadget is the ability to execute the specified program in the event of disconnectionand/or restoration of the Internet connection. Moreover, gadget can inform you play special sound about many events related to your networkand Internet connection and even change your current IP. You can always set gadget to stop check your External IP for privacy reason.
Furthermore Network Monitor II can automatically detect which network wired or wireless you use and switch betweenthem when you change it. See advices below how you can set up this feature.
The Info link extends the information provided by the gadget. It open fly-out window with data related with thenetwork interface such as the both (IPv4 and IPv6) addresses, MAC address, subnet mask, the Internet gateway, the DHCP and the DNS serversthat is used by the computer and so on.
The interface is designed for customization that will let you choose the size and information to be displayed.Two default styles are installed, but this will not restrict you personalize the color of every element, which will suit your liking.If the changes seem uncomfortable, you can always restore the default setting with just one click. Network Monitor II works on both32-bit and 64-bit systems.
Network Monitor II features explained:
Actual servers using by gadget [02-05-2019]
For External IP
- [US]
- [US]
- [US]
- [US]
For country flag
- [NL]
- [US]
- [US]
- [US]
For IPv6 (into flyout)
- [FR]
Special features
- Click on GW/Int.IP (in a right side) for switch show between Gateway and Internal IP.
- When you have more than one Internal IP click on Int.IP(in a left side) for switching between Internal IPs. If it is happens cursor changed to pointer when you move it above this string.
- Click on Info for show additional information into flyout window, click again - close flyout window.
- Hover mouse to country flag for show additional information.
- When you have more than one DNS click on DNS (in a left side) for switching between DNS. If it ishappens cursor changed to pointer when you move it above this string.
- Click on icon (/ ) for stop/resume external IP tracking.
- Click on connection identification icon (or/and ) for switch between connection type.
- Hover mouse to 'Current' or 'Total'for view summary traffic.
- Click on refresh icon for refresh gadget.
- In flyout window click on every element for copy corresponding element into clipboard.
- Double click on background will show Network And Sharing Center.
- Hover mouse to title for show next counters reset data/time if it is set.
- Hover mouse to corresponding IP for show current network interface.
- Gray name mean that this NICdisconnected right now. But you can select it for working in future when it connected.
Advice 1: for use switch between connection type you must dofollow step.
- Go to settings tab #2.
- Select 'Connection type' and both network interfaces forIP and monitoring for switching.
- Press 'Set net settings for switching' button.
- Back 'Connection type' and both network interfaces forIP and monitoring to their current position.
- Press 'Set net settings for switching' button.
- Press Ok button.
After this steps you can change between connections by clicking onconnection identification icon ( or/and). After first clicking you change net parameters to parameters savedafter click 'Set net settings for switching' button. Next click on connection identification icon( or/and) restore net parameters to their current position.
Advice 2: before check 'Auto pick the networktype' option you must do follow step.
- Go to settings tab #2.
- Select 'Connection type' and both network interfaces forIP and monitoring for first network.
- Press 'Set net settings for switching' button.
- Back 'Connection type' and both network interfaces forIP and monitoring for second network.
- Press 'Set net settings for switching' button.
- Check 'Auto pick the network type' box.
- Press Ok button.
In this case if you switch to wireless net gadget automatically changes to wireless mode.When you break wireless net gadget immediately back to wired mode.
Advice 3: what is it 'Forcibly scan Internet(for router) ' option.
When you use a network card and any change in the connection statusappears as a special event, which can be easily recorded by the gadget. However, if you use an external device, such as a router,the events are likely to be skipped or not detected. Thus, enabling the dedicated option, 'Forcibly scan Internet (forrouter)', the gadget can check the Internet connection on demand. When this box checked gadget periodically (use'Scan every' field value) check internet connection. The interval between scans is measured in minutes.If you enter a too small interval, this can lead to increased traffic.
Show changelog
Version 27.4 - Changed server for determining IPv6 into flyout. (Released at 08/25/2019).
Version 27.3 - Fixed bug with autoscale DPI under Windows 10. (Released at 08/15/2019).
Version 27.2 - Improve net usage value. (Released at 07/25/2019).
Version 27.1 - Fixed auto change DNS. (Released at 05/29/2019).
Version 27.0 - New setting in tab #B added. (Released at 05/19/2019).
Version 26.9 - Improved work with languages in settings. (Released at 04/07/2019).
Version 26.8 - Improved working with NICs in settings. (Released at 03/13/2019).
Version 26.7 - Fixed bug with set auto detect net type when computer return from sleep mode. Improved auto actions.(Released at 03/09/2019).
Version 26.6 - Changed server for determining IPv6 into flyout. For security reason server is use SSL protocol.(Released at 02/05/2019).
Version 26.5 - Fixed bug with reset counters when pressing 'Reinitialize gadget' icon (blue arrows at bottom).(Released at 01/30/2019).
Version 26.4 - Added flags for Satellite Provider and Anonymous Proxy. (Released at 10/25/2018).
Version 26.3 - Changed first server for determining country flag. (Released at 10/10/2018).
Version 26.2 - Fixed abnormal network activity under Windows 10 October 2018 Update. Optimized code. (Released at 10/06/2018).
Version 26.1 - Fixed critical bag with wrong traffic calculate when refresh time larger 1 second. Fixed bug with overlap scalevalue on graph. Improved code. (Released at 09/25/2018).
Version 26.0 - Changed all server for get IP and country flag. Changed algorithm for getting country flag (dramatically reduceduse of internet). Some minor optimizations and code cleanup. (Released at 09/15/2018).
Version 25.9 - Changed main server for get country flag. (Released at 09/01/2018).
Version 25.8 - Some minor optimizations and code cleanup. (Released at 08/30/2018).
Version 25.7 - Minor changes. (Released at 08/12/2018).
Version 25.6 - Fixed ubnormal HDD activity when 'Save traffic-counters' box is checked. (Released at 07/10/2018).
Version 25.5 - Update Polish translation by Andrzej Mazurkiewicz. (Released at 05/11/2018).
Version 25.4 - Update Czech translation by Jiří Škorpil. (Released at 03/03/2018).
Version 25.3 - Added 'WAN bandwidth' option in Scale (#7) settings tab (Bandwidth = sum upstream and downstream).(Released at 02/11/2018).
Version 25.2 - Cosmetic changes in resizing. (Released at 01/09/2018).
Version 25.1 - Fixed bugs. (Released at 12/28/2017).
Version 25.0 - Fixed bug with reset counters when computer resumed from sleep mode. Improved auto actions for NICs. Add new settings(#5 settings tab). Fixed bug in settings. More accuracy working with number values. (Released at 12/22/2017).
Version 24.8 - Fixed bug in settings. Add new settings (#4 settings tab). (Released at 11/22/2017).
Version 24.7 - Eliminate unnecessary procedures. Improved auto actions for NICs (added working with bluetooth NICs) and fixed fewbugs. Cosmetic changes in interface. Fixed few typos in settings. (Released at 11/14/2017).
Version 24.6 - Fixed bugs in auto actions for NICs. Added possibility switch to new NIC immediately after it creates (#5 settingstab). Updated WMI classes for get traffic for Windows 8.1 and above(for Windows 7 no changes). (Released at 10/23/2017).
Version 24.5 - Improved auto actions for NICs. (Released at 10/15/2017).
Version 24.4 - Update parsing procedures for determining connection details. (Released at 09/28/2017).
Version 24.3 - Remove unnecessary procedure. New settings added (#2 settings tab). (Released at 06/05/2017).
Version 24.2 - Update Polish translation.
Version 24.0 - Fixed bug in settings. Allow show NIC name instead internal IP (#3 settings tab).
Version 23.9 - Fixed few bugs in settings. Fixed bug with DNS. Improved working with IP and DNS. Cosmetic changes.
Version 23.8 - Modified procedures works with external IP and country flag. Added 'none' servers in settings for security reason.Fixed bug with wrong output download bar. Change one server for country flag.
Version 23.7 - Change servers for determining external IP and country flag. All servers are use SSL protocol. Added button for forstop/resume external IP tracking. Improved working with external IP procedures. Fixed bug with custom colors in settings.
Version 23.6 - Allow to show DNS in main screen. Fixed bug in settings.
Version 23.5 - Update Portuguese translation by Lucas Cava. Update Japanese translation by Kosuke Kaizuka.
Version 23.4 - Added Dutch translation by Marcel Keiman (The Rambler).
Version 23.3 - Added two modes to output bars and numbers. Added possibility save traffic to disk after specified time.Overhauled HTML.
Version 23.2 - Improved code. Improved settings usability.
Version 23.1 - 'Unselect all' button added into Hide section in settings. Optimize code.
Version 23.0 - Fixed bug with custom sounds.
Version 22.8 - Added Spanish translation by Jordi Bartrina.
Version 22.7 - Play sound when external IP changes.
Version 22.6 - Update German translation by Jörg Bornwasser.
Version 22.5 - Update Hindi translation by Raunak Dutta.
Version 22.4 - Fixed bug with saving locked NICs into Windows 10.
Version 22.3 - 'Restore factory default settings' button now don't affect to 'Instance of the gadget #' field.
Version 22.2 - Fixed Belorussian translation by Kanstantsin Melnikau.
Version 22.1 - Added Belorussian translation by Kanstantsin Melnikau.
Version 22.0 - New setting added.
Version 21.9 - Fixed bug with saving locked NICs into Windows 10. Many Improvements in code. Show current interface whenmove pointer to corresponding IP.
Version 21.8 - Fixed Indonesian translation by elda taluta.
Version 21.7 - Fixed Polish translation by Andrzej Mazurkiewicz.
Version 21.6 - Improved working under Windows 10. Fixed Indonesian translation by elda taluta.
Version 21.5 - Fixed bug in translations.
Version 21.4 - Allow run specify program when connection is ON/OFF. Improved sounds algorithms.
Version 21.3 - Many improvements in code and logic. Fixed bugs.
Version 21.2 - Many improvements in working with NICs.
Network Monitoring Tools Gadget For Windows 7
Version 21.1 - Change 'Auto pick network type' behavior procedure. Improved French localizations by Largo.
Version 21.0 - Fixed bugs. Improved 'Auto pick network type' option. Improved some localizations.
Version 20.9 - Fixed bug with used NetLib.dll.
Version 20.8 - Fixed many bugs. Improved code. Added play sounds when NIC on/off.
Version 20.7 - Minor improvements.
Version 20.6 - Improved code. Change update notifier algorithm.
Version 20.5 - Changed algorithm for determining country flag.
Version 20.4 - Cosmetic changes.
Version 20.3 - Cosmetic changes in Japanese translation.
Version 20.2 - Added Japanese translation by Kosuke Kaizuka.
Version 20.1 - Fixed determining IPv6 into flyout.
Version 20.0 - Allow run up to 8 copies of the gadget with each individual settings. Reorganized settings.
Version 19.5 - Added new and remove obsolete servers for external IP and country flag. Reorganized settings. Added 'human voices'for sounds. Added 'Graph height' settings (#7 tab).
Version 19.4 - Sorry wrong version!!!
Version 19.3 - Added new and remove obsolete servers for external IP.
Version 19.2 - Added new setting (#4 tab).
Version 19.1 - Fixed problem with main timer and high CPU load.
Version 19.0 - Improved main timer algorithm. Cosmetic changes in flyout.
Version 18.9 - Improved code.
Version 18.8 - Improved code. Added 'Locks selections' option.
Version 18.7 - Hover mouse to title for show next counters reset data/time if it is set.
Version 18.6 - Wrong version!!!
Version 18.5 - Resets the counters on next start if the computer is turned off during the execution of the schedule.
Version 18.4 - Added Czech translation by Jiří Škorpil.
Version 18.3 - Fixed Polish translation by Andrzej Mazurkiewicz.
Version 18.2 - Fixed Polish translation by Andrzej Mazurkiewicz.
Version 18.1 - Added Polish translation by Andrzej Mazurkiewicz.
Version 18.0 - Improved interface.
Version 17.9 - Improved usability for Cyrillic languages.
Version 17.8 - Added Hindi translation by Raunak Dutta.
Version 17.7 - Added forcibly scan Internet connection (apply it if you use router).
Version 17.6 - Added Slovak translation by Ivan Očadlík.
Version 17.5 - Fixed bug with sound.
Version 17.4 - Improved reset counter procedures.
Version 17.3 - Improved interface.
Version 17.2 - Added play sound when internet connection established.
Version 17.1 - Added Italian translation by Carlo Adami.
Version 17.0 - Fixed bug with negative values when computer wake from sleep mode. Added possibility show different Internal IPif you have it.
Version 16.9 - Added new server for correct determine iranian flag.
Version 16.8 - New algorithm for calculate traffic. Added Indonesian translation by elda taluta.
Version 16.7 - Fixed incorrect Net usage output (0%) when use NetLib.dll.
Version 16.6 - Determine enable or disable performance counters.
Version 16.5 - Added Catalonian translation by Jordi Bartrina.
Version 16.4 - Added play alert sound when lost internet connection (#2 settings tab).
Version 16.3 - Change Autoscale procedure behavior.
Version 16.2 - Added Autoscale DPI option (#1 settings tab).
Version 16.1 - Improved code.
Version 16.0 - Fixed French translation by Pascal Legendre.
Version 15.9 - Allow select peak units measuring. Save net setting for switching into settings.ini file.
Version 15.8 - Added French translation by Largo.
Version 15.7 - Added Chinese Simplified translation by Ellis Chang.
Version 15.6 - Added Chinese Traditional translation by Ellis Chang.
Version 15.5 - Added German translation by Jonas Bauer.
Version 15.4 - Added Macedonian translation by Vasil F. Bachovski.
Version 15.3 - Added save External IP to file setting. Added Turkish translation by Celal Osmanbas.
Version 15.2 - Added Spanish translation by Diego Manuel Vazquez.
Version 15.1 - Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Rafael 'R4to0' Maciel Alves.
Version 15.0 - Added Ukrainian and Russian languages.
Version 14.2 - Fixed bug in flyout.
Version 14.1 - Added auto detect connection type. Optimize flyout code.
Version 14.0 - Added new settings into 'reset counters' function.
Version 13.9 - Fixed bug with determine WINS server.
Version 13.8 - Added choice servers for determining external IP.
Version 13.7 - Hover mouse to country flag for show additional information.
Version 13.6 - Improved 'Auto update IP' procedures. Added new settings.
Version 13.5 - Added 'Restore factory default settings' button and 'Save counters when shut down' setting.Change 'Refresh' and 'Copy' functions behavior. Improved procedures.
Version 13.4 - Recognize '1.0 Gbps Full Duplex' mode.
Version 13.3 - Fixed bug with incorrect output 'Net usage' in case no network adapters.
Version 13.2 - Fixed bug after run under Windows XP.
Version 13.1 - Determine external firewall.
Version 13.0 - Same element open and close flyout.
Version 12.9 - Change settings (by request). Improved code. Fixed wrong main screen in 120% size.
Version 12.8 - Improved flyout.
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Version 12.7 - Added sounds when operate with flyout. Added custom refresh rate (1-999 sec).
Version 12.6 - Added Duplex info into flyout.
Version 12.5 - Added MAX speed info into flyout.
Version 12.4 - Fixed bugs.
Version 12.2 - Added 'Auto pick the network type' option. Updated and added servers for determining country flag.
Version 12.1 - Improved reinit function.
Version 12.0 - Added Computer name and Domain info into flyout.
Version 11.9 - Fixed bug with fill graph type. Added servers for determining country flag.
Version 11.8 - Added 'Put download graph first' option. Fixed bugs.
Version 11.7 - Added update notifier. Added fill style for graphs.
Version 11.6 - Allow rename the 'Internal IP' and'External IP' to 'LAN IP' and 'WAN IP' respectively.
Version 11.5 - Fixed wrong output bug IPv6 into flyout.
Version 11.4 - Improved interface. Fixed bugs.
Version 11.3 - Added picture for identify no internet connection.
Version 11.2 - Added DHCP server info into flyout.
Version 11.1 - Fixed bugs.
Version 11.0 - Added show 2 DNS servers into flyout.
Version 10.9 - Fixed bugs in determine profiles.
Version 10.8 - Added many information into flyout.
Version 10.7 - Added size adjustable for flyout.
Version 10.6 - Added new setting. Improved code.
Version 10.5 - Click on connection type icon - switch between connections (wired/wireless).
Version 10.4 - Added 'day of the month' for reset counters.
Version 10.3 - Fixed bugs.
Version 10.2 - New setting added 'Hide 'Peak' string' (see page #5).
Version 10.1 - New settings added (see page #5).
Version 10.0 - Added change graph line width and hide gridlines on a graph.
Version 9.9 - Potential bug fixed.
Version 9.8 - Allow hide 'Title' and 'Copyright'. Improved procedures.
Version 9.7 - Updated servers for determining external IP.
Version 9.6 - Added servers for determining country flag.
Version 9.5 - Determining profile and firewall status added.
Version 9.4 - Improved procedures.
Version 9.3 - Optimize code.
Version 9.2 - Improved procedures. Changed some default settings.
Version 9.1 - Added option auto update internal and external IP if changed.
Version 9.0 - Show default GateWay procedure added.
Version 8.9 - Improved determining country flag procedure.
Version 8.8 - Fixed bugs.
Version 8.7 - Change URL for country flag.
Version 8.6 - Fixed bugs.
Version 8.5 - 'Refresh time' setting added.
Version 8.4 - 'Display units' setting added.
Version 8.3 - Fixed bugs.
Version 8.2 - Added 'All' (sum) to Total and Current traffic when mouse over.
Version 8.1 - Added scale to graph.
Version 8.0 - Improved procedures.
Version 7.9 - Fixed problem with country flag.
Version 7.7 - Improved procedures.
Version 7.6 - Fixed bugs.
Version 7.4 - New settings added.
Version 7.3 - Fixed bugs.
Version 7.0 - Added color changeable for all gadget's elements. Added IPv6 view.
Version 6.3 - Fixed bugs.
Version 6.2 - Many settings added.
Version 6.1 - Fixed bugs.
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Version 6.0 - Two modes of work added.
Version 5.5 - Change size adjustable method.
Version 5.3 - Save settings to file. (File will be created - Path: %APPDATA% File: gadgetname_Settings.ini).New 'Save total to file' setting.
Version 5.1 - Fixed bugs.
Version 5.0 - Added size adjustable.
Version 4.2 - Improved procedures.
Version 4.0 - Check for update button added.
Windows 7 gadgets can be a lot more than a pretty interface for your clock or news feed. Several Windows 7 gadgets exist solely as monitoring tools that show constantly updated data about your system resources like CPU, memory, hard drive, and network usage.
Below are the best free Windows 7 gadgets (they work in Windows Vista, too) that can be used to help keep track of system resources:
Need Help? See How to Install a Windows Gadget for help getting your gadget installed in Windows 7 or Vista.
Microsoft no longer supports Windows Gadget development so that they can focus on native apps for Windows 8 and Windows 10. However, all of the gadgets below are still available, do work with both Windows 7 and Windows Vista, and are completely free to download.
CPU Meter Gadget
What We Like
Displays CPU info in one place.
Simple to use.
Free to download.
The CPU Meter Windows gadget for Windows 7 displays two dials - one that tracks your system's CPU usage (the one on the left) and another that tracks physical memory usage, both in percentage format.
If you like to keep track of how much memory and CPU is being used at any given time, give the CPU Meter gadget a try.
This is a pretty basic Windows 7 gadget in that there are no fancy options, but it does what it does well.
DriveInfo Gadget
What We Like
Provides useful information.
Takes up little screen space.
Provides shortcuts to drives.
What We Don't Like
Can't customize drive layout.
Only works on older versions of Windows.
The DriveInfo Windows 7 gadget monitors the free space available on one or more of your PC's hard drives. It displays the free space in both GB and percentage, and works with local, removable, network, and/or media drives.
If you frequently check the free space available on your hard drives, the DriveInfo gadget will definitely save you some time.
The DriveInfo gadget is very easy to configure and is an especially attractive addition to your other Windows gadgets. Plus, you can customize the background and the icon theme set.
The DriveInfo gadget is available as a free download from Softpedia for your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.
System Control A1 Gadget
What We Like
Displays data for up to 8 cores.
Easy to use.
Free to download.
What We Don't Like
Can't be configured.
Shows gadget uptime rather than system uptime.
The System Control A1 gadget is a fantastic resource monitor gadget for Windows 7. It tracks CPU load and memory usage over the last 30 seconds, and even tell you how long it's been since your computer was last shut off.
The best thing about the System Control A1 gadget is that it supports up to eight CPU cores, making it fully compatible with the latest multi-core CPUs. The interface is superb as well which helps balance out the fact that there are absolutely no user options.
The System Control A1 gadget is freely available from the gadget developer.
Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor Gadget
What We Like
Creative radar design.
Great sound effects.
Customize with several skins.
Free to download.
What We Don't Like
Takes up a large amount of screen space.
Distracting graphics.
The best thing about the Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor gadget for Windows 7 is that it looks cool. You can see available wireless network connections, verify wireless coverage, and lots more in a unique interface.
Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor packs a lot of useful information into a single gadget, maybe too much. For me, the Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor gadget seems a bit 'heavy' with the radar display running all the time and the huge Xirrus logo. Still, it's powerful gadget and you might find it really useful.
The Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor gadget is a free download from Xirrus.
margu-NotebookInfo2 Gadget
What We Like
CPU data for up to 2 cores.
Displays multiple system information.
Highly customizable.
Lots of information in a small space.
What We Don't Like
Some system information is not monitored.
Buggy on Windows 7.
The margu-NotebookInfo2 Windows gadget has a funny name but it's serious about packing a lot of system monitoring into a single gadget.
With the margu-NotebookInfo2 gadget, you can track system uptime, CPU and RAM use, wireless network strength, battery level, and much more.
A lot can be customized in this gadget but the great thing is that you don't have to make those changes if you don't want to. For example, while it's useful to be able to change which wireless and wired interfaces are to display, and whether to use GHz or MHZ, you can also enable/disable the built-in clock and calendar.
margu-NotebookInfo2 is put together very well and should be an excellent addition to any Windows 7 or Windows Vista PC.
iPhone Battery Gadget
What We Like
Creative design.
Accurate battery reading.
Customizable with multiple skins.
What We Don't Like
Somewhat outdated design.
Difficult to configure.
The iPhone Battery Windows 7 gadget has to be one of the coolest gadgets around. The battery indicator is an excellent knock-off of the glowing battery level indicator on the iPhone, and looks great on a Windows desktop.
With the iPhone Battery gadget, you can also mimic an antique meter, a Duracell® battery, and a sphere battery, among other cool things.
If you're on a laptop or other portable Windows 7 device, the iPhone Battery gadget should definitely help you keep a closer eye on your available power.
The iPhone Battery gadget is free from Softpedia and installs on your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.
Network Meter Gadget
What We Like
Provides detailed network information.
Customize colors and size.
Streams live data.
What We Don't Like
Doesn't show wired and wireless at once.
Can't monitor multiple IP addresses.
The Network Meter Windows 7 gadget provides all kinds of useful information about your wired or wireless network connection like current internal and external IP address, current upload and download speed, total bandwidth usage, SSID, signal quality, and more.
There are several useful configurations available with Network Meter including background color, bandwidth scaling, network interface card selection, and more.
If you're troubleshooting a local network issue or are always checking your external IP, the Network Meter gadget could be very useful.
The Network Meter gadget is a free download from AddGadget and installs on your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.
All CPU Meter Gadget
What We Like
Data for up to 24 CPUs.
Fast data updates.
2 minute graphs for historical data.
What We Don't Like
CPU temperature requires 3rd party app.
Can be buggy on Windows 10.
The All CPU Meter gadget keeps track of CPU usage and your used and available memory. What makes ALL CPU Meter stand out from the crowd is its support for as many as eight CPU cores!
There are only a few options but background color is one of them. That might seem like a small advantage, but if you're a regular user of Windows 7 gadgets, you know that making it fit with your desktop scheme is an important factor.
I also like the quick one second update time and well designed graph in All CPU Meter.
The All CPU Meter gadget is available for free from AddGadget for your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.
Memeter Gadget
What We Like
Simple, yet informative interface.
Customize color scheme.
Uses little system resources.
What We Don't Like
Can't resize the gadget.
Support for only 2 cores.
The Memeter Windows 7 gadget monitors all sorts of things about your CPU, RAM, and battery life. It's a great gadget to use to keep track of the major hardware resources currently being used by Windows.
If your memory, CPU, or battery usage is something you need (or like) to watch, the Memeter gadget will really come in handy.
The only thing you can customize is the theme color to make it yellow, purple, cyan, black, etc.
The Memeter gadget is also freely available from Softpedia.
GPU Observer Gadget
What We Like
Simple display.
Many GPU cards supported.
No 3rd party software required.
What We Don't Like
Can't resize app.
Shows only one card at a time.
The GPU Observer gadget for Windows 7 gives you a constant look at your video card's temperature, fan speed, and more.
GPU Observer shows the GPU temperature and, if reported by your card, the PCB temperature, fan speed, GPU load, VPU load, memory load, and system clocks.
Most NVIDIA and ATI desktop cards are supported by GPU Observer, plus some NVIDIA mobile cards. No Intel, S3, or Matrox GPUs are supported.
Multiple cards are supported but not simultaneously. You'll have to choose which video card you'd like stats displayed for in the GPU Observer options.
If keeping tabs on your GPU is important, as it is to most serious gamers, then you'll love GPU Observer.
CPU Meter III Gadget
What We Like
Very simple and clean gadget.
Red values alert you to potential problems.
CPU, HDD, and RAM stats in single window.
What We Don't Like
Limited functionality.
Very basic gadget.
CPU Meter III is, you guessed it, a CPU resource meter gadget for Windows 7. In addition to tracking CPU usage, CPU Meter III also tracks memory usage.
There's nothing that special about CPU Meter III - it only tracks one CPU and the meter display isn't quite as polished as other similar gadgets.
However, there is one redeeming feature - it's responsive. Very responsive! It appears to be live and not a one or two-second update like other gadgets. This, we love.
The other thing we like is how big the gadget is. Some CPU meter gadgets are so small it's hard to see what's going on.
Definitely try CPU Meter III out. We think you'll like it.
Drive Activity Gadget
What We Like
Lots of information in a small space.
Useful realtime graphs.
Ejects removable drives.
Network Monitor Ii Gadget
What We Don't Like
Requires 3rd party app for drive temperature.
Manual switch between physical and logical drives.
The Drive Activity gadget for Windows 7 graphs the workload of your hard drives. Seeing how hard your hard disks are working could be useful in determining where you might have performance issues.
There are a few options in the Drive Activity gadget - you can choose the type of graph to display (polygon or lines) and also which of your hard drives to include in the display (you can choose more than one).
My biggest issue with this Windows gadget is the inability to change colors. Blue on black is unlikely to satisfy many users.. personally, we find it hard to see.
The Drive Activity gadget is a free download from Sascha Katzner.
AlertCon Gadget
What We Like
Free to use.
Provides live limit warnings.
Displays site security levels.
What We Don't Like
Updates are only 60 minutes.
Hasn't been updated in many years.
The AlertCon gadget is a unique one. AlertCon provides a visual representation of the current state of security across the internet. Large scale issues like fast spreading malware and major security holes would prompt an increase in the threat level.
Network Meter Gadget Windows 7
IBM's Internet Security Systems group operates the AlertCon system.
If you'd like a DEFCON-style representation of internet-wide issues right on your desktop, the AlertCon gadget fits the bill. Just don't expect it to swing up and down regularly - the internet as a whole isn't typically under serious threats.
Network Monitor Gadget Windows 7 Calendrier
The AlertCon gadget is a free download from Softpedia and installs on your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.
Network Monitor Gadget Windows 7
This gadget installed fine the last time we tried but it did not display anything. It's left here for you to try because you might have better luck.